Queen Elizabeth's II pearls

Credit: Joe Giddens/WPA Pool/Shutterstock

The Platinum Jubilee

With Queen Elizabeth II about to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee and 70 years of being on the throne, it seems like a good time to talk about some of her jewellery. It is no secret that the Queen has a vast collection of dazzling and impressive jewellery, it comes as part and parcel of being part of the royal family.


Think about any time that Queen Elizabeth II has been featured on television or in a photograph: while she may rotate different earrings and brooches, there is always one constant - a pearl necklace. They have become synonymous with big occasions – her coronation in 1937, her engagement announcement, her wedding day in 1947, her public appearances, to Prince Philip’s funeral in 2021, and on every one of her traditional Christmas Day speeches.

Women often attribute their love of, and fascination with, jewellery to their childhood. Queen Elizabeth II is no different. Beginning with Queen Victoria, royals have worn pearls throughout the centuries as they believed them to signify wealth and nobility.

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With this ingrained upon her since birth, Queen Elizabeth II has always loved pearls. She owns many different pearl necklaces that range from one single strand, up to six strands. Yet it is the three strand pearl necklace, gifted to her by her father King George VI, that is the Queen’s most seen and beloved fashion accessory. In fact, it’s so sentimental to the Queen that she had an identical one made, and was even gifted a third in 1953 by Emir of Qatar. The only difference between the three is that the one that was gifted has a diamond clasp. Having more than one of something so important to Queen Elizabeth II means she is able to get a lot of wear from each one without having to retire the original due to damage.

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There are many reasons why people can be so attached to their jewellery, usually that it was given to them by a loved one or invokes a strong memory. While some experts have theoretically valued the Queen’s famed three row pearl strand at between £600,000 and £1 million, at the end of the day you can’t really put a price on that; emotions and memories are priceless.


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Yes, on one hand, she’s the Queen, she has wealth, nobility and power, but on the other hand she’s just like you and I – a lady who adores her jewellery.

Written by Victoria Burchett

If you have some pearls or any other beaded jewellery that needs re-stringing, this is a service we provide at Gold Arts. Please pop into your local branch for more information on prices.